Category: 2023-2024

The best costume ideas before Halloween 2024.

  • Sisyphus


    Yes, the King of Ephyra himself. Just hear me out. I understand that this is not technically a meme in the modern sense (though, arguably, what are lasting myths if not memes?). I get that I’m no professional. I really do. I’m just some faceless guy on a strange website posting about memes. You have… Read more



    What even is reality mannnnnn? Look, we’ve all had bad days. Some of us (not pointing any fingers) have had poor reactions to your standard run-of-the-mill substances. I’m talking caffeine here. Over the counter anti-allergy medicine. That sort of thing. This is not one of those times. I believe her for the record. I fully… Read more

  • Smirking Kevin James

    Smirking Kevin James

    Steal his look. Please. Early in 2023, this image of Kevin James began circulating. Experts were baffled as to why, but we know why. Look at the face. The stance. The inexplicable Dutch Angle. This is a man who will not apologize for who he is. This is a man who exudes an innocent virility… Read more